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Common Translations Mistakes
These Are The Errors We Can Help You Avoid

Client receives translations from an agency, but hires US graphics firm to handle DTP. Unfamiliar with foreign languages, firm introduces hyphenation, punctuation, and spelling errors into what had been a good translation.
European Distributor offers to do all translations adding a percentage per unit sold. Translation consists of a typed, two-page overview of the product and a technical- support phone number.
Client ships product to France for sale, but without translated documentation and packaging. French law prohibits this.
Distributor subcontracts agency to handle localization, charging its Client a percentage of each package sold to cover translations. Over the product's life, Client ends up paying more than had it paid a lump sum up front.
Translations handled by Client's foreign offices. Lack of project management causes Client's products to ship at different times, despite marketing projections. Translation problems solved by one office are not relayed to other offices.
Good writing for Commonwealth countries doesn't necessarily translate for US market.
Client hires members of Chilean office to do translations. Without training and experience in translating, the office's final published work is poor.
Many Israeli citizens hail from different places around the globe; but infrequent visits back to their home countries and poor maintenance of their original languages makes for out-dated translations.
Client hires agency that relies heavily on in-house generalists to translate materials. Generalists are not familiar with client's products or industry.
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